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Code of Conduct/Ice Courtesy Policy
Any concerns regarding violations of this code of conduct or ice courtesy policy should be reported to the PCSC President.
Dress code:
- PreCanSkate, CanSkate and Adult CanSkate participants must wear mittens and a CSA approved hockey helmet, regardless of age, until they have passed level 5. Skaters will be asked to leave the ice if they are not wearing an approved helmet and mittens. Younger children are encouraged to wear snow pants and a jacket.
- StarSkate participants must wear proper skating attire at all times. This includes skating dresses, skirts, tights and/or leggings, figure skating pants and properly fitting tops/sweaters. Skaters not wearing proper attire will be asked to leave the ice. Long hair must be tied back and hair must be kept off the face.
Safety on the ice:
- No food, drinks, gum or candy are allowed on the ice surface. Water bottles may be left at the boards.
- Cell phones are not allowed on the ice. Valuables should be brought to the boards and not left in dressing rooms.
- Skaters must wait until the Zamboni doors have closed before going onto the ice.
- A PCSC Board member or Skate Canada certified coach must be present before any skater may step onto the ice.
- Skaters shall make every attempt to maintain a safe distance from all other skaters.
- Skaters must follow the ice usage directions of the professional staff:
- Practice jumps at ice end
- Practice spins in the centre of the ice
- Yield right of way to skaters practicing dance patterns, solo programs and in lessons
- Stay clear when the harness is in use
- Skaters must get up quickly after a fall if they are able.
- Skaters will move to the boards if a break is required. Skaters must not stand in the middle of the ice.
- A skater under the age of 12 must have a responsible adult present at the arena during all sessions.
Lesson Etiquette:
- A private lesson must not be interrupted by anyone. Please wait until the end of a session to speak to coaches unless it is an emergency.
- Club group lessons take priority over private lessons.
- Any questions or concerns during a PreCanSkate or CanSkate class must be directed immediately to the volunteer/representative at the CanSkate table. The CanSkate volunteer will facilitate communication with the coaches.
- Spectators, including parents, family members and guests are invited to watch from the seating areas in the arena or the snack bar. Spectators may not watch from the rink-side, penalty/team boxes or the ramps leading to the ice.
Respect for members, skaters and coaches:
- Members, skaters and coaches must be respectful at all times and will always demonstrate good sportsmanship, courtesy, and consideration.
- Everyone must comply with the rules and regulations of the City of Mississauga Recreation and Parks Department as posted in the arenas.
- Swearing and/or the use of abusive language will not be tolerated.
- The use of technology or social media must not be used to exploit or disrespect others.
- PCSC will not tolerate bullying, harassment, discrimination, verbal or physical abuse or intimidation in any form between anyone. The PCSC abides by the Skate Canada Code of Ethics, as well as their Safe Sport (including harassment, bullying, discrimination and concussion) policies.
As part of the PCSC community, we represent the Club and its values at all rink facilities, competitions and events. It is expected that this Code of Conduct will be respected at all times.
Violations to the PCSC code of conduct will not be tolerated
- Members (parents) will be contacted if skaters do not comply with the code of conduct
- Members (parents) who do not comply with the code of conduct will be contacted directly
- In severe and/or repeat cases a suspension of membership, short, long-term, or permanent is possible
- The Code of Conduct/Ice Courtesy policy applies to everyone
Any serious infraction will be reported to Skate Canada.
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